About 10 months ago, I shared a story about a young man who was deployed.

It was so difficult to leave. T. said “Daddy, I don’t want you to go.”
This is the story of his return:

(To see the photos in a larger format click on each photo. Use your browser’s arrow back to return to this page.)

We made our way to my daughter’s house to be with her the last couple of days of this long journey her family has been on.
We anticipated an arrival early on Saturday morning around six am. Then the calls came in that their arrival had been moved up – Twice! The approximate time would be around two am. We put two Very Excited boys to bed knowing that Daddy would be home in the morning. We didn’t expect to wake them up in just a few hours. Around one am, we put jackets and pants over their pajamas and each carried a very sleepy boy to the car. The youngest one didn’t quite understand when I said we were going to pick up Daddy & insisted on having his Daddy pillow. (A ‘Daddy pillow’ has a photo of ‘Daddy’ in the center.) We made our way to the base. The photos will tell the story.

Tie a yellow ribbon…

Two sleepy boys…

Well, one was hungry! When someone wakes you up at 1:30 am, you Have to have a snack!

Or, some chill time watching ‘Sponge Bob!’

Time on the couch might help… Everyone!

Or, letting your brother make you a miniature Uncle Sam…

J grabbed his ‘Daddy pillow’ to snuggle with which he has loved during Daddy’s ten month absence.

Typical military routine is to hurry up, get on your shoes…

and Wait! … We just heard he was on base, but this is a 154,000 acre base!

A spouse left behind is very patriotic.

I see a tear… Who says “Marines don’t cry?!”

The pure Bliss is seen on his face as he hugs her.

They were all so excited and taking their turns in the arms of the man they love and call ‘husband and daddy.’


A family reunited is Joyous!

(The boys were looking at the sign Mommy made while they were sleeping.)

“Daddy you are so Tall! I am Two now!”

“Welcome Home, Proud and Hero” hardly covers the plethora of emotions to see Jeremiah Home again!

I would give up a night’s sleep any time!!

And we Thank God for bringing him home safely!

“Praise the LORD! For he has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. The LORD gives his people strength. He is a safe fortress for his anointed king. Save your people! Bless Israel, your special possession. Lead them like a shepherd, and carry them in your arms forever.” — Psalm 28:6-9 NLT

And here is a link to the first story: The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all that I need.

(This Hero happens to be my “son-in-love.”)

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free lance photographer, jewelry designer, writer, gardener, & seamstress

16 thoughts on “HOME!!”

  1. Great post Kimberly! So grateful for Jeremiah’s safe return to his beautiful family. I pray the same for all the others ready to be reunited after their tours of duty. It was interesting how the time kept moving up on his return. Having to pick him up in the wee hours of the morning was a great “problem” to have. Thank you Jesus!


  2. Truly an awwwwwwww moment. Thank God for Jeremiah’s service and his safe return. Your life is so much brighter and blessed than when we first began communicating. Thank God for that too. I’m happy for you, my friend.


  3. The second time through is just as thrilling as the first, Kimberly! And now your son-in-love’s whole unit is home. With “God Bless America” in the background, it brings not only tears to my eyes but my heart swells with pride that these young men would serve so selflessly.


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